
19 august 2019

I want to say thank you for the professional and great job you did for me last December. It’s really difficult to find in Moscow a funeral director speaking English and so good In body repatriation.

The cost was also really honest.

Really nice working with you.

Pozzoli Alberto Simone
11 march 2019

My husband and I went to Nepal for vacation. He died in an accident. Repatriation and funeral arrangements came upon me along with my husband’s death itself. It’s great that my friends found a suitable funeral home quickly that could really help me out and take up the lion’s share of the arrangements. The company was, and I’d like to thank so much its staff in this review! They are responsible and caring for the grief of others, and they are real professionals. Collecting documents at the embassy and negotiating with the air carrier, receiving the body in Moscow and then transferring it to Volgograd, then arranging the funeral – took up all this, for which many thanks to them! I would not have coped with it alone.

Olga Kuzmina, Volgograd
7 march 2019

When I lost my wife, I had to arrange repatriation of her body to her homeland in Moscow, since I have been working and living in Frankfurt for the last 20 years, and my wife had moved to Germany with me. In Frankfurt, there was no problem finding a funeral agency, and I had to look for a suitable company in Russia. As a result, I settled on, which took up all repatriation arrangements, that did not require my participation. The funeral home staff helped settle all the matters related to the transfer of the body to our family in Moscow, and then arranged the funeral. Thank you very much!

Dmitry Streshnev, Moscow
5 march 2019

I wish to thank sincerely for arranging the repatriation of my deceased wife from Moscow to Los Angeles. I work in Russia, and have lived there with my family. Unfortunately, my wife died in a car accident, and I had to bring her back to Los Angeles. Thanks to funeral home the entire repatriation procedure took the shortest possible time. The staff helped me collect the necessary certificates and testimonies, found a cargo agent, arranged a flight, contacted the local funeral home in Los Angeles, and agreed on the transfer of the body upon arrival. Thanks to all the staff of for their initiative, responsiveness and promptness!

John Spencer
1 march 2019

My aunt who’d lived with me in Boston after moving from Russia 17 years ago passed on recently. Over the last years she’d been sick and kept telling me she wanted to be buried at home in Samara. When she passed I had to make a quick decision on how to bring her to Russia and arrange the funeral. I decided to contact on the recommendation from my friends who had buried their grandmother in Moscow with the help from this company. assisted with the paperwork and took on my aunt’s repatriation and burial in the family grave in Samara. Many thanks to for doing everything properly and helping to fulfill my aunt's will.

Leo Freiberg, Boston
16 january 2019
We would like to express our respect to your agency, and to Mr. Khovansky, personally, for helping us in organizing the procedure of the transportation of our foreign colleague who passed away while working in Moscow to his motherland. The situation wasn't the easiest one, but due to Mr. Khovansky's professionalism the task was completed brilliantly. We thank him again for doing his best in this very sad moment for us. Sincerely
Codest International S.r.L. (Rizzani de Eccher Group)

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