Repatriation of deceased from Russia to Georgia

Georgian citizen died in Russia – what to do:

1. Decide whether to repatriate the body or the ashes

It is always easier and cheaper to transport ashes.

2. Get advice at the Georgia Interests Section, Swiss Embassy.

There are no full diplomatic relations between Russia and Georgia, therefore there are no fixed rules for transporting remains from the Russian Federation into Georgia. Get advice from the Consulate of Georgia at the Swiss Embassy.

3. Collect the documents required for remains transportation

You can obtain documents without assistance (usually takes 3 to 14 days) or entrust it to the funeral director (usually takes 2-3 days).

Body repatriation to Georgia: Specifics

The Republic of Georgia does not have its own embassy in Russia: its diplomatic mission is conducted with the Swiss Embassy's help.

There is no official information about requirements and rules for transportation of the deceased from the Russian Federation to Georgia. In order to obtain up-to-date information on the applicable rules, make sure you get advice from the Georgia Interests Section, Swiss Embassy.

Post-mortem Repatriation – Whether to Transport the Body or Ashes?

Russia and Georgia allow exporting and importing remains in the following forms:

  • the body in a sealed container;
  • cinerary urn.

Ashes shipment is always cheaper and easier to arrange.

Requirements for remains transportation from the Russian Federation to Georgia

To ship a body or an urn you will need to:

1. Collect the documents;

2. Choose the transportation method: by air or by road;

3. Sign a shipping contract with the selected carrier;

4. Hand over the remains to the carrier for transportation to Georgia.

Choosing transportation method to bring the remains from the Russian Federation to Georgia

There is a motor and air traffic between Russia and Georgia, currently there is no operating railway.

Transport Pros Cons
By air The fastest, most reliable, and safest way. Usually more expensive than other options.
You'll have to arrange the body / ashes handover at the airport and then deliver it to the destination.
An attendant with a full ticket is often required.
By road In most cases it is cheaper than by air, the attendant does not need to have an additional ticket.
You can ship the remains directly to the destination.
Slow: transportation from Moscow to Tbilisi will take at least two days
Specialized hearse vehicle is required
Additional complications may happen at the customs.
Less safe: statistically a car accident is much more likely to happen than an air crash

Documents for the deceased person's body shipment from Russia to Georgia

Document Where to get it
Stamped death certificate Municipal services center or registrar office
SES Certificate (of no communicable diseases in the deceased) Rospotrebnadzor
Certificate of Encasement (certifying that the container is sealed and contains no extraneous objects) Morgue or funeral home that is arranging the shipment
Deceased person's passport If the passport is missing, you'll need to contact the consulate of Georgia in the Russian Federation (Georgian Interests Section, Swiss Embassy)
Customs declaration application Funeral director that is arranging the shipment
If you are arranging it without assistance you'll have to fill in the declaration at the airport / border

You can collect the documents without assistance. It may take up to 1-2 weeks.

A funeral home will do it in 2-3 business days.

Rules of importing remains into Georgia

  • The container with the body or the ashes must be sealed;
  • The body must be embalmed and placed in a zinc container / coffin with a zinc container inside;
  • When transporting ashes, the cinerary urn should be transparent to X-rays.

Choosing an airline to transport the remains to Georgia

According to Russian Ministry of Transport decree 82 dated 28.06.2007, and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) international regulations, it is the airline itself who determines the body carriage rules.

Russian airlines only allow to carry the body or the ashes in the luggage compartment.

Some non-Russian carriers allow ashes in hand luggage.

You should check the details on the rules and applicable fares from the chosen airline representatives – this information may often not be publicly available.

The cost of transporting remains to Georgia

The cost depends on:

  • Weight of remains;
  • Travel distance;
  • Carrier rates.

It is always cheaper to ship ashes rather than a body.

Many airlines require an attendant on board the aircraft. This applies to both the body and the ashes. A family member of the deceased or a funeral home representative can be such an attendant. The attendant must have a flight ticket. Some airlines have special rates for shipping remains and attending persons' tickets.

Make sure you check the rates at each specific airline.

Useful Links

1. Public Services

Russian Federation Public Services Portal Here you can find how to get various documents required to arrange remains transportation.


2. Rospotrebnadzor

Address: Vadkovsky Pereulok 18, building 5 and 7, Moscow, 127994

Phone: +7 (499) 973-26-90


3. Embassy of Switzerland, Georgia Interests Section

Address: Maly Rzhevsky Pereulok, 6, Moscow, 121069

Phones: +7 (495) 691-13-59

Official Facebook:

Affiliated website:

Open hours: 10.00 AM to 1.00 PM

4. Georgian diaspora in the Russian Federation

Address: Krasina st. 27/2, Moscow 123056

Official Facebook:

Official Vkontakte group:



Information and legal portal affiliated with the Georgian embassy mission

Website: – Assistance in body repatriation to Georgia

With our vast experience, knowledge, resources, and status of the official state funeral service, can quickly arrange post-mortem repatriation to Georgia. To arrange shipping of a deceased person to Georgia call hot line +7 (495) 100-3-100 .

See Also