Repatriation of the body from Russia to Vietnam

Citizen of Vietnam died in Russia – What to do:

1. Notify the deceased person's insurance company

To enter Russia, citizens of Vietnam are required to have insurance covering the costs of post-mortem repatriation. In the event of Vietnamese citizen’s death in Russia their family or representatives should first and foremost notify the insurance company by telephone on the number specified in the policy. The insurance company bears the expenses on returning the body home and participates in organizing the process of post mortem repatriation.

2. Contact the Consulate (Embassy) of Vietnam

The Consulate of Vietnam will assist in paperwork and arranging the return of the remains home. The embassy may be involved in investigating the circumstances of death if there is reason to suspect unnatural causes of death. The consulate representative must provide required support to the insurance company and go to the place of death / body storage location in order to verify the examination done by the competent authorities (mortuary, police, etc.).

To repatriate the remains in Vietnam, the participation of the embassy is mandatory: it will be necessary to draw up several required documents.

3. Choose a funeral director that will help transport the body to Vietnam

To organize the transportation of the remains to Vietnam, it is recommended to contact funeral director from Russian for help. A qualified local professional will help to collect all necessary documents and arrange transportation in accordance with the customs and sanitary requirements. They will do it faster and help to avoid mistakes related to post-mortem repatriation arrangement.

There are no Vietnamese funeral directors entitled to provide funeral services in Russia currently. You can collect all the documents and arrange for the transportation of the body or ashes independently, but you will need to have direct contacts in Vietnam who will meet the remains at the airport and arrange for burial.

Specifics of post-mortem repatriation to Vietnam:

To register the death the following documents are required:

To organize a funeral, you will need direct contacts of Vietnam funeral director or the help of a Vietnam citizen located in Vietnam.

Assistance from the Vietnam Embassy in post-mortem repatriation

In the event of the death of a Vietnam citizen, Embassy employees will:

  • provide up-to-date list of requirements and documents for the importation of the deceased;
  • advise on the general procedure for arranging the transportation of the body from the Russia to Vietnam;
  • advise on the possible options and prices for burial / cremation in Russia.
  • help to correctly register death and draw up the relevant documents (paid service).
  • certify documents (paid service)
  • seal the container with the remains for importing into Vietnam.
  • help you choose a funeral company in Vietnam;
  • contact the relatives of the deceased in Vietnam if necessary.

What Vietnam embassy and consulates do not do:

  • pay for the cremation, burial, and post-mortem repatriation of a Vietnam citizen;
  • provide any legal advice.

Post-mortem repatriation to Vietnam – the body or ashes?

Russia and Vietnam allow the exporting and importing of the remains:

  • the body in a sealed container;
  • cinerary urn.

Ashes shipment is cheaper and easier to arrange.

Requirements for remains transportation from the Russian Federation to Vietnam

To ship a body or an urn you will need to:

  • collect the documents;
  • sign a shipping contract with the airline;
  • hand over the remains to the airline for transportation to Vietnam.

List of documents for remains transportation from Russia to Vietnam

Up-to-date requirements for arranging documents for body / ashes importation to Vietnam can only be provided by the Embassy of Vietnam.

Document Where to get it
Proof of Vietnam citizenship of the deceased In case of loss of these documents contact the consular department of Vietnam Embassy
Medical death certificate (form N 106 / у-08) required only in case of violent death or death in unclear circumstances
Death certificate in Russian (stamped) Municipal services center or registrar office
Embalming certificate Morgue or funeral home
Only needed to transport the body. Not required for transportation of ashes.
Original and photocopied Certificate of Encasement (certifying that the container is sealed and contains no extraneous objects) Morgue or funeral home
Original and photocopy of export permit to ship the body or ashes outside the Russian Federation Rospotrebnadzor
Application for customs declaration Funeral home that is arranging the repatriation
When you arrange remains shipment without assistance, you must complete a declaration at the airport or when you hand over the body or the ashes to the carrier
Consular death registration certificate Embassy of Vietnam
The certificate costs 5-15 USD depending on the circumstances of death and the registration procedure

You can collect the documents independently. It may take up to 1-2 weeks.

A funeral home will do it within up to 3 business days.

Rules of remains importation into Vietnam

  • The body must be in a zinc container or coffin with a zinc liner, which is packed in a wooden transport box.
  • When transporting ashes, the urn should be transparent to X-rays.
  • The container with the body or the ashes must be sealed and have no unauthorized contents.

Choosing an airline to transport the remains to Vietnam

According to Russian Ministry of Transport decree 82 dated 28.06.2007, and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), it is the airline itself who determines the body carriage rules.

The Russian airlines allow to carry the body or the ashes only in the luggage compartment.

Carriers from other countries may allow you to carry the ashes in your hand luggage.

Make sure that you check the details on the rules and applicable fares from the chosen airline representatives – this information may often not be publicly available.

The cost of remains transportation to Vietnam

The cost depends on weight of remains, travel distance & carrier rates.

It is always cheaper to ship ashes rather than a body.

Many airlines require an attendant on board the aircraft. This applies to both the body and the ashes. A relative of the deceased person or a funeral home representative can be such an attendant. The attendant must have a flight ticket. Some airlines (e.g. Lufthansa) have special rates for shipping remains and attending persons. Make sure you check the rates at each specific airline.

Useful Links

Gosuslugi (Public Services)

Russian Federation Public Services Portal Here you can find how to get various documents required to arrange remains transportation.



Address: Vadkovsky Pereulok 18, building 5 and 7, Moscow, 127994

Phone: +7 (499) 973-26-90


Embassy of Vietnam in Russia

Адрес: ul. Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 3, Moscow, 119034

Tel.: + 7 (495) 956-3579

Phone (Consular Section): + 7 (499) 246-1383 / +7 (903) 682-1617

Факс (Consular Section): + 7 (499) 246-0687


Office hours: Monday — Friday, 09.00 —17.00


Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Vietnam Community in Russia:


Official advice & help for Vietnam citizens living and travelling abroad:


Vietnam Embassy: Consular fees


Vietnam Embassy: Death Registration


Funeral traditions in Vietnam: Brief Overview

Link: – assistance in post-mortem repatriation to Vietnam

With our vast experience, knowledge, resources, and status of the official state funeral service can quickly arrange post-mortem repatriation to Vietnam. To arrange shipping of the deceased Vietnam citizen back home call hot line +7 (495) 100-3-100 .

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