Transportation of the deceased person's body from Russia to Israel

Israeli citizen died in Russia – What to do:

1. Notify the deceased person's insurance company

To enter Russia, Israeli citizens must have insurance covering the cost of post-mortem repatriation. In the event of an Israeli citizen’s death their family or representatives should first and foremost notify the insurance company by telephone on the number specified in the policy.

2. Contact Khevrat Kadisha

Hevrat Kadisha, “Holy Brotherhood” is a funeral organization responsible for preparing for death, conducting rites and funerals for those who practice Judaism. Their participation is mandatory, since this organization is in charge of burial services in Israel, and their permit will be required for remains transportation.

The Israeli Embassy in the Russian Federation suggests to contact Khevrat Kadisha on all burial, farewell, and body/ashes repatriation matters, rather than the embassy itself.

3. Contact the Israeli Embassy

The consular department will check the documents required for remains transportation, certify the signatures and issue a permit for import into Israel. See the consular services costs at the embassy website (

Post-mortem repatriation to Israel: Specifics

To import the remains to Israel, you’ll have to contact Khevrat Kadisha, the traditional funeral community that will attend the funeral in Israel and issue the appropriate permission required for remains transportation. According to the Jewish tradition, the funeral should be held as soon as possible, preferably within a day after death. The only exception is when the funeral would otherwise fall on Shabbat.

To complete all paperwork in a shortest possible time, you’d better contact a funeral director, which is faster than collecting the documents without assistance. Khevrat Kadisha will also advise on all burial matters in Israel and mourning tradisions to observe (aninut, shiva, sheloshim, etc.).

Upon arrival in Israel, the remains must be handed over to Khevrat Kadisha.

If the body of the deceased is transported, it must come in a wooden coffin inside a zinc container. This zinc containter itself must be packed in a wooden case and certified to have no unauthorized content upon sealing. Only in this case the Consular Section of the Embassy of the State of Israel will certifiy documents for the Israeli border service.

Assistance from the Israeli Embassy in post-mortem repatriation

In the event of an Israeli citizen’s death, the Embassy staff will do the following:

  1. Check documents and authenticate signatures.
  2. Issue a consular permit for exporting the remains to Israel.

What the embassies and consulates of Israel DO NOT:

  1. Pay for cremation, burial, and post-mortem repatriation of an Israeli citizen;
  2. Interfere in any private legal matters related to the deceased (including inheritance).
  3. Translate documents;
  4. Offer a list of certified translators;
  5. Affix Apostilles;
  6. Provide any legal advice;
  7. Process documents submitted by email.


The Consular Section of the Embassy of the State of Israel in Moscow only accepts public upon prior appointment made on the official website. You can make an appointment for urgent reception on funeral service matters by phone or email.


Phone: +7 (495) 660 27 00, ext. 1

Post-mortem Repatriation – Whether to Transport the Body or Ashes?

Russia and Israel allow remains exporting and importing:

  • The body in a sealed container;
  • Cinerary urn.
  • Ashes shipment is always cheaper and easier to arrange.

Is it allowed to bring the body/ashes of foreign nationals to Israel?

Yes it is, only the required documents are different.

If the deceased has some family in Israel, it will be easier to arrange transportation and burial.

Requirements for remains transportation from the Russian Federation to Israel

To ship a body or an urn you will need to:

  1. Collect the documents;
  2. Sign a shipping contract with the airline;
  3. Hand over the remains to the airline for shipping to Israel;

Documents for remains transportation from Russia to Israel

Document Where to get it
All documents attesting to the Israeli citizenship and identity of the deceased (darkon, teudat zeut) Israeli Public Services
In case they are lost in the Russian Federation, contact the embassy immediately.
Original and photocopy of passport – for non-Israeli citizens Municipal services office, State Services, Department of Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (GUVM MVD) for Russian citizens
Original and photocopy of the medical certificate of death (form N 106 / y-08) Morgue
Death certificate (Form No.11) Municipal services center or registrar office
Original and photocopy of the Russian stamped death certificate; Municipal services center or registrar office
A copy of the stamped death certificate translated into Hebrew or English. Translation must be certified by a notary and validated by an Apostille.
Additionally, you’ll need a regular photocopy of this translation.
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation or the local Department of Justice
Israeli Embassy does not offer a list of certified translators, translate documents, or affix Apostille
Original and photocopy of embalming certificate Morgue or funeral home
Original and photocopied Certificate of Encasement (certifying that the container is sealed and contains no extraneous objects) Morgue or funeral home
Original and photocopy of export permit to ship the body outside the Russian Federation Rospotrebnadzor
Permit to export the body to Israel Consular Section of the Embassy of Israel
Original and photocopied permit for burial in Israel from Khevrat Kadisha Khevrat Kadisha office in Russia or Israel
Passport details of the attending person and the meeting persons (optional)
Paid invoice for transportation of the deceased with all details: flight number, date, time of departure and arrival. Chosen airline
Application for customs declaration Funeral home that is arranging the repatriation
When you arrange remains shipment without assistance, you must complete a declaration at the airport or when you hand over the body or the ashes to the carrier
Consular fees receipt Embassy of Israel

The documents listed above must pass the consular check and be certified for the Israeli border service.

In case of cremation, check the transportation conditions with the airline. In this case, еру Israeli Border Service does not require any cargo clearance.

You can collect the documents without assistance. It may take up to 1-2 weeks.

A funeral home will do it within up to 3 business days.

Rules of importing remains into Israel

  • The body should only come in a wooden coffin placed inside a zinc container packed in a wooden case.
  • When transporting ashes, the urn should be transparent to X-rays.
  • The body or ashes must be sealed and have no unauthorized contents.

Choosing the airline to transport the remains to Israel

According to Russian Ministry of Transport decree 82 dated 28.06.2007, and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) international regulations, it is the airline itself who determines the the body carriage rules.

The Russian airlines only allow to carry the body or the ashes in the luggage compartment.

Carriers from other countries may allow to carry the ashes in hand luggage, e.g. British Airways (only with a transfer).

Make sure that you check the details on the rules and applicable fares from the chosen airline representatives – this information may often not be publicly available.

The cost of remains transporting to Israel

The cost depends on:

  • Weight of remains;
  • Travel distance;
  • Carrier rates.

It is always cheaper to ship ashes rather than a body.

Many airlines require an attendant on board the aircraft. This applies to both the body and the ashes. A relative of the deceased person or a funeral home representative can be such an attendant. The attendant must have a flight ticket. Some airlines (e.g. Lufthansa) have special rates for shipping remains and attending persons.

Make sure you check the rates at each specific airline.

Useful Links

1. Public Services

Russian Federation Public Services Portal Here you can find how to get various documents required to arrange remains transportation.


2. Rospotrebnadzor

Address: Vadkovsky Pereulok, 18, building 5 and 7

Moscow, 127994

Phone: +7 (499) 973-26-90


3. Embassy of Israel in Russia

Address: ul. Bolshaya Ordynka, 56, Moscow, 119017 

Phone: + 7 (495) 660-2700 

Fax: + 7 (495) 660-2768

Open hours: Monday to Friday 9.00 - 12.00 AM


4. Embassy of Israel: consular fees


5. Embassy of Israel: funeral services


6. Khevrat Kadisha in Russia

Contact person Working language Phone Organization
Iftah Russian and Hebrew +7 (925)  544 85 90 Khevre Kadisha
Alexander Russian +7 (985) 767 57 02 Kadisha
Maksim Russian +7 (916) 691 83 94 EDEMS
Vadim Russian +7 (926) 225 12 99 EDEMS
Mikhail Russian +7 (495) 646 96 06
+7 (901) 541 19 91
The City specialized funeral service.

7. Khevrat Kadisha in Israel

Contact person Working language Phone Organization
Moshe Spiegel Hebrew 972-50-5265899 Kadisha - Shomrey dat
Shuki Leo Hebrew 972-58-5503500 Kadisha - olamim
Bender Abraham Hebrew 972-52-2204577 Ambulance - Bender – Assistance in the post-mortem repatriation to Israel

With our vast experience, knowledge, resources, and status of the official state funeral service can quickly arrange post-mortem repatriation to Israel. To arrange shipping the deceased Israeli citizen back home call hot line +7 (495) 100-3-100 .

See Also