What to do if a near and dear has died?

Someone has died, what to do? While experiencing grief, we have no right to forget about our earthly obligations towards the departed – we need to pay their final respects honorably and know exactly what to do if significant other died. The family's concerns at this moment are related to purely practical issues: which funeral home to choose, where to bury or in which crematorium to cremate, where to hold a commemoration, how to get a funeral allowance, etc.
What to do when a person dies: (HAS ALREADY DECEASED)
In short, the family needs to call the reliable city funeral service as soon as possible, call an undertaker and entrust them with the funeral arrangements. The sooner this happens, the more likely it is that rogue undertakers can't interfere. If nevertheless an unknown undertaker appears out of the blue, you must firmly refuse them telling that the city ritual service you'd called is arriving soon.
The person died in the apartment (at home), what to do?
One of the most common situations is when a person dies at home, on a visit to someone else's place or in the holiday cottage. Be aware that action plan really is important here!
First of all, call a municipal undertaker and put down their personal and official details. You can call them via Ritual.ru hot line +7 (495) 100-3-100 (round the clock)
When the funeral director arrives, be sure to verify their passport details and their business ID with those you'd written down before. Now you know whom you are letting in – the city funeral service representative, and not a rouge undertaker who received your contact information from unknown sources.
When the undertaker arrives, call the district doctor (in the daytime) or an ambulance (if you are outside / at night) and the police. Prepare the deceased person's passport and medical insurance policy, as well as IDs of those near the deceased.
After contacting the emergency services, you should do the following:
- lower the temperature in the room where the deceased is located;
- turn off heating;
- place the deceased away from the radiators;
- cover the body with a clean sheet.
After that, wait for the doctor and the police to arrive, they are to make sure that death occurred due to natural causes and send the body of the deceased to the morgue.
What to do if a person died at work or in a public place?
The body is sent to one of the forensic morgues in Moscow. If a loved one has disappeared, call the accident office. There, you will be given addresses of morgues where you need to come for identification and where you will be given an conclusion on the death cause.
Forensic morgues on the map
The Moscow accident registration office is located at: Shchepkina street, d. 20, tel .: +7 (495) 688-22-52.
What if the person died in the hospital?
Recommended procedure:
Phone to the authorized municipal specialized service, "Ritual-Service" (Ritual.ru) +7 (495) 100-3-100 (round the clock), and call an undertaker
Together with Ritual.ru staff, go to the morgue to do paperwork and pay for the medical services.
What to do if a Moscow resident dies in the Moscow Region?
If a Moscow resident dies in the Moscow Region, the body is sent to the local forensic morgue (since the person died not at their place of permanent residence).
To keep rogue undertakers away, call right away Ritual.ru service: +7 (495) 100-3-100 (round the clock). Write down their personnel number. The agent will arrive in 1.5-2 hours depending on the distance.
Before you let a Ritual.ru employee in, compare their personnel number with what you'd written down.
Together with the undertaker, call the ambulance and the police. Prepare the deceased person's passport and medical insurance policy, as well as IDs of those near the deceased.
The doctor and the police certify that the death was due to natural causes, and they send the body of the deceased to the local morgue.
After receiving the medical certificate of death is issued in the morgue, Ritual.ru arranges free transportation of the body of the deceased to one of the morgues in Moscow: MEDSI, Burdenko Hospital, Burnazyan GKB, Odintsovo morgue. We recommend that you leave getting a medical certificate of death at the local morgue to Ritual.ru staff in order to avoid imposing paid services at the local morgue, and to speed up the body handover.
After contacting the emergency services, you should do the following:
- lower the temperature in the room where the deceased is located;
- turn off heating;
- place the deceased away from the radiators;
- cover the body with a clean sheet.
After that, wait for the doctor and the police to arrive, they are to make sure that death occurred due to natural causes and send the body of the deceased to the morgue.
What NOT to do if a person died:
There are things we do not advise you to do in order to avoid becoming a victim of rogue undertakers. According to the Moscow Government, in most cases when a person dies, it is rogue undertakers who come to their family, and there are about three thousand of such undertakers in Moscow.
Pick up phone calls from unknown numbers – this might be the rogue undertakers calling. Any call to your phone number for commercial purposes is illegal.
Talk to undertakers you didn't call. Rogue undertakers read people well, they can persuade you against your will.
Let in uncalled people at your doorstep. These are rogue undertakers who present themselves as the city funeral service employees and show you fake IDs. Do not believe them, it is fraud!
Remember: if you let an unwanted rogue undertaker into your house you will inevitably become their victim. By skillful manipulation they will make you pay for a funeral twice or more compared to the cost of the same services ordered from the city funeral service.It also happens that on the day of the funeral the rogue undertakers disappear, so the funeral has to be postponed and reorganized.
Where to go if a significant other died?
Ritual.ru city funeral service established by the Moscow Government has been operating in Moscow since 1993. The shareholder of the company is Ritual.ru, a state-financed institution managing all the cemeteries in Moscow. It grants the right to provide funeral services to Ritual.ru city funeral service.
Ritual.ru certified employees come to you only by call, or by personal appeal to the company office (Moscow, ul. Kasatkina, 11, p. 13).
Ritual.ru funeral service – we guarantee delicate attitude to the family of the deceased and respect for the deceased themselves. More than 10,000 people come to us for help annually, and most of them come on the recommendation.
If you have any questions, call the city funeral service to get professional advice: +7 (495) 100-3-100 (around the clock). We will arrange a funeral so that it becomes the embodiment of your love for your near and dear.
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