Where and how to get a medical certificate of death in Moscow
A medical certificate of death (form № 106 / у-08) is a document that notifies the death of an individual. You need to produce it at any municipal services office (Moiy Dokumenty, My Documents office) or the Civil Registry Office in Moscow to obtain a stamped death certificate to your authorized person or a funeral service representative.
Where and how can I get a death certificate?

How to get a death certificate is a frequently asked question. In Moscow, you need to get a death certificate where death was attested. It may be any public medical institution or a private medical center with state accreditation. A medical certificate is issued to a family member (next of kin) of the deceased person or their representative (you can also commission the service Ritual.ru employee to collect the required documents).
A medical certificate of death cannot be issued in absentia, without a doctor personally pronouncing someone dead (except in cases of transport, industrial, man-made disasters when it is impossible to find and identify the body).
If a person died outside a medical institution (non-violent death at home), the document is filled in by the doctor of the district clinic as soon as they pronounce the person dead upon visual examination. In this case, the deceased must have been followed up in the medical institution where the doctor was called from.
How to refuse a post - morthem examination?
If the deceased had had no medical history, the body is sent to the judicial morgue by the free city body transportation service, to have certificate issued. This is also where the bodies of non-Russian residents who had died in Moscow are sent.
In case of death in a medical institution, a certificate is handed over along with the body.
In case of loss or damage to the document, a duplicate is issued.
What is the purpose of a death certificate?
It allows to:
- apply for a free (social) funeral;
- obtain permission for a family burial or allocation of a new plot in the cemetery;
- cremate the body;
- place a cinerary urn in a columbarium;
- arrange funeral agency's services.
Ritual.ru city funeral service can provide a full range of funeral arrangement services including obtaining a death certificate. For more information call Ritual.ru multi-channel information service at any time: +7 (495) 100-3-100 .
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